CBSE Syllabus 2022

Experts view on the new syllabus announcement and how teachers should prepare for 2022.

Major Changes in Class 10 and Class 12 Syllabus for the 2021-22 Session

CBSE released the syllabus for the session 2021-22 on March 31, 2021. This is actually the time when teachers are dangling in between the end of 2020-21 session (for delayed May 2021 Boards) and the recent start of the 2021-22 session. So, amidst everything that has been going on due to COVID, the timing of the release of the syllabus was recognized as unexpectedly odd.

After rationalizing the syllabus by 30% in the last session, i.e., 2020-21, the whole syllabus has now been 100% restored for the 2022 exams. According to a senior CBSE official, most schools have ‘successfully’ managed to conduct online classes and hence are capable of completing the whole syllabus for 2022.

Based on this, we have assumed that CBSE rushed in releasing the 2021-22 syllabus to provide teachers a starting point for the new session and reduce uncertainty. What we believe they should have done is figured out the list of topics that can be deleted for the 2021-22 session and encouraged the teachers to cover these topics at the end, if in case the Covid situation doesn’t improve. That way, the teachers would be clear on the possible reductions, and plan their academic calendar and tests accordingly.

Even when the COVID situation is getting worse due to second wave and the new session classes are forced to be taught online, 100% syllabus shouldn’t have been officially restored.

According to a CBSE official, “The board already announced last year that the rationalisation exercise was a one-time initiative as teaching and learning through online mediums or alternative methods was fairly new then.

Another statement from the circular said “It is important that schools ensure curriculum transaction as per the directions given and the subjects to be taught must be as per 100% curriculum given.”

Some CBSE-affiliated private schools have commenced new sessions based on these statements and ‘Learning Outcomes’ but the teachers are still unclear about their teaching strategy.

Since the COVID situation is still prevalent and not improving any time soon, we don’t think CBSE would encourage the students to learn the whole syllabus through online classes.” 
-Mathematics Teacher, CBSE School, Raipur

Previously, when the syllabus was reduced, both teachers and students happily went along with it. But now sitting in April ‘21, they don’t even know if they should begin following the full syllabus or wait for the reduced syllabus announcement in June-July. 

So, there is no denying the fact that the early release of the CBSE 2021-22 syllabus was not prudent at all. Even though CBSE (supposedly) had the right intentions to make the updated syllabus available to everyone early, it is causing an opposite reaction driven by confusion, for school policymakers and teachers.

For teachers who want clarity, we have analysed the changes in the CBSE 2021-22 Syllabus for Class 10 and 12. Here are our observations along with links to the subject-wise syllabus for 2021-22.

Changes in Class 10 Syllabus

Changes in Class 12 Syllabus

Now, let’s look at how the teachers can prepare themselves in this period of uncertainty:

  • Assume Classes Will Continue Online: For at least the next 4-5 months, offline classes will not resume. So, the teachers will have to rely on the online setup to teach. They must assume that the next full session will remain online as well and plan their tests and speed accordingly. Any changes must be welcomed and they must adapt as it comes.
  • Cover all topics: Even though there is a high chance of reduced syllabus session for 2022 as well, until further notice, the teachers should not skip any topic, especially the topics that were deleted last year because CBSE would definitely reduce a different set of topics this year (if at all) based on the feedback received from all stakeholders.
  • NCERT focused practice: Until there is clarity on the new changes in paper pattern, stick to chapter-wise wholesome practice of NCERT textbooks, including NCERT Exemplar Problems. Exemplar has a higher advantage of MCQs over NCERT textbooks, which help prepare the students for the Objective Section. 
Begin the teaching process early including all types of questions. For this, take help of some additional but worthy learning material, such as our EDUCART QUESTION BANKS. This collection of books cover each subject concisely but completely.
  • Calm the Students: And lastly, support the students and help them avoid confusion or panic for the Board exams already. There is a long academic year ahead for them to be prepared to perform their best.

The reduced syllabus for 2020-21 session was a failed cause due to reasons like some deleted topics overlapped in other chapters and the teachers themselves were not equipped to differentiate the deleted topics questions within NCERT/ Exemplar.

But the mixed reactions on the indications from the 2021-22 Syllabus from schools, teachers, and students clearly state that the new session is also going to be another (probably rough) ride.

The COVID situation is not getting better any time soon, which is making it harder for everyone to still accept the restored syllabus for 2021-22. Only the time will tell, how all this pans out for teachers as well as students!

For more information regarding the latest CBSE news and updates regarding education policies and student well-being, check out this section.

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