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Getting nervous about the approaching board exams? Is finding the right preparation material for Class X social science board exams in 2025 quite tough? No worries! We are happy to help. Add CBSE sample papers to your practice and revision time. These sample papers are beneficial for every student appearing for the 2025 SST board exam but perfect for students who get nervous by hearing the word “board examination’. Overcome your fears by practicing lots of questions provided in the sample papers and learning from your mistakes.
The 2024-25 CBSE Sample Papers has been released. They provide the complete paper pattern to be followed for the board exams in 2025. You can download the official Social Science Class X Sample Papers and their Marking Scheme Solutions from the links given below.
These sample papers are based on the latest syllabus and exam pattern issued by CBSE. You can access them for free and use them for your practice and revision.
These additional sample papers were released by the CBSE board for Class 10 students to help them practice the competency-based questions. The sample question paper for social science also includes a marking scheme for more effective preparation.
<red> ➜ <red> Class 10 Social Science (English) Set 1 SQP + Marking Scheme
<red> ➜ <red> Class 10 Social Science (English) Set 2 SQP + Marking Scheme
Edudel Class 10 Practice Papers are among the reliable sources for the board exam preparation released by DelE. These papers help in understanding the concepts and doubt clarity.
<red> ➜ <red> Class 10 Social Science (English) Practice Paper Set 1
<red> ➜ <red> Class 10 Social Science (English) Practice Paper Set 2
<red> ➜ <red> Class 10 Social Science (Hindi) Practice Paper Set 1
<red> ➜ <red> Class 10 Social Science (Hindi) Practice Paper Set 2
Addition in Section A Question Type
Addition in Section B Question Type
Addition in Section C Question Type
Addition in Section D Question Type
Addition in Section E Question Type
Class 10th Social Science is something basic we need to know about if we want to live a quality life. It will help us in being a quality contributor to our presence and thoughts to society. SST isn’t just about the rattafication of dates and facts; instead, it’s like unearthing past stories.
Knowing about our fundamental rights, getting a deeper knowledge of our economy, and knowing our nation and our world better than we already know about it. SST is all about us and our world as our role in the society we live in, which makes us better humans. Let’s blow your mind, shall we?
Fun Facts About Social Science Class X
Students who wish to ace their board examinations will benefit from the CBSE Class 10th SST Sample Papers. These sample papers help you to:
Practice the important questions: By completing different kinds of questions, including multiple-choice, short answer, long answer, map work, etc., you can assess your understanding of the Social Science syllabus.
Improve your time management skills: You can learn how to manage your time effectively so that you finish the paper in the allotted time. Additionally, you can focus on the questions you can readily answer and avoid wasting time on tough or lengthy ones.
Boost your self-esteem and reduce your stress. By becoming acquainted with the format and degree of difficulty of the exam, you can conquer your exam anxiety and fear.
You can improve your accuracy and speed by working through these sample papers. They also help you practice key questions and learn efficient time management techniques. Also, you can highlight your strong and weak points.
Analyse the exam paper format: Sample papers give you the exact layout of the board examination, including the kind of questions, mark distribution, and the degree of difficulty. Additionally, you can learn how to format and properly write your responses.
Overcome exam anxiety and increase confidence: By providing you with a realistic simulation of the board exam, sample papers make you feel less stressed and anxious. By consulting the marking, you may assess your performance and raise your score.
SST Sample Paper Class 10 with Solutions is an invaluable tool for students wishing to perform well on their board examinations. They improve critical thinking skills, enhance time management abilities, build confidence, and reduce stress. We have provided links to all the available CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Papers and their Marking Scheme Solutions. Anyone can download them directly to their device for free without entering any login information.
You should do the following in order to get the most out of the Class 10 SST Sample Papers:
SST Sample Paper Class 10 with Solutions are an invaluable tool for students aiming to perform well on their board examinations. When reviewing Social Science, alternating between a SST practice paper class 10 and notes can make the process more engaging. They educate students in sharpening critical thinking techniques, enhancing time management abilities, building confidence, and reducing stress. We hope that every student has the greatest possible results on their examinations!
You can download the official CBSE Sample paper for class 10 SST from here SST Sample paper for class 10.
For class 10, solving sample paper comes with a lot of benefits. It helps the students to improve their accuracy and speed for the final board SST paper. Especially in SST, students can get an idea about the paper pattern as CBSE often changes the syllabus year after year.
CBSE has released the official Class 10 Social Science papers on its official website for academic purposes.