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Learning theory in Biology can be a challenge for many students. But that is not the only one! Once the students have studied the syllabus to prepare for the exams, they have to find valuable revision resources so that they can identify their mistakes and topics in which they are lacking.
For this very purpose, we have provided these CBSE Class 12 Biology Past Year Papers from 2017. They are substantial resources that allow the students to revise the whole syllabus one last time before appearing for the exams.
However, it is also important to understand the pattern of the paper that is used to set these Biology (Code 044) Main and Compartment Board Papers. Here is a table categorizing everything clearly.
Now, you can download all the CBSE Class 12 Chemistry 2017 Board Papers, Compartment Papers, Marking Scheme Solutions, and Topper Answer Sheet PDF files from the table below. No login information required!
These PDF files can be beneficial if you solve them in the same way you would attempt your paper. This makes your practice time even more credible and allows you to gain confidence in your preparation for Board Exams.
To further facilitate the students prepare for better results in their Class 12 Board exams, we have quality learning resources that are our EDUCART NCERT EXEMPLARS FOR CLASS 12 2022 BOARD EXAMS.
They are available for Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry, with all the NCERT Exemplar Problems and their explained Solutions. We have also added some important questions from Diksha Platform for Class 12.