Diary Entry | Complete Format & Samples in PDF

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Bad day at school? Watched a favourite movie or anything a person felt throughout the day and wanted someone to listen to the happenings with them. Well, not every time one will be available, and there comes a diary entry to the rescue. 

A diary entry basically becomes one’s personal rant space, where a person can write about anything and no one will judge them. As diary entry is an integral part of the CBSE curriculum, this writing piece will cover all the details, like what a diary entry is, the format of diary entry, diary entry examples, and some important points to remember. 

What is a Diary Entry?

A diary entry is a one-way informal written communication where any expressions, emotions, feelings, events, special days, or anything is expressed over a particular time. A person can get themselves a diary or a journal for diary entry, or they can just download and install software or an app for diary entry digitally. The diary entry was introduced in the curriculum so that it would be useful for self-expression, preserving memories and experiences, and self-reflection. In the examination, the question on diary writing is aimed at testing your imaginative, creative, and expressive skills.

Students can download this PDF for several diary entry samples and practice questions.

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S.No. Table Of Content
1 Diary Entry Format
2 Tips to Write a Diary Entry
3 Diary Entry Examples
4 Practice Questions
5 Frequently Asked Questions

Diary Entry Format

Although there is no fixed format or language in the case of a diary entry, a good diary entry does contain the following features:

The title and date are mentioned in this section. 

Time: The time of the entry is mentioned here.

Greeting: Here we write “Dear Diary” as a sign of greeting.

Content: Whatever a person wants to express and convey is written here.

Signature: As the diary is the writer's personal document, the diary entry doesn’t need any signature. It is totally optional.

Diary Entry Examples

Diary Entry on Summer Vacation in 100 words.


Diary Entry - Summer Vacation

May 23, 2023

Dear Diary,

Today is the last day of my summer vacation, and I can't believe how quickly time has flown by! These past few weeks have been absolutely amazing. I had so much fun and created unforgettable memories.

During my vacation, my family and I went on a trip to the mountains. The fresh air and breathtaking views were rejuvenating. We went hiking, explored nature trails, and had picnics by the riverside. It was a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Apart from that, I indulged in my hobbies. I spent hours reading my favourite books, painting beautiful landscapes, and playing outdoor sports with my friends. We organised cricket matches and enjoyed the friendly competition.

I also visited my grandparents's house and spent quality time with them. We shared stories, laughed together, and relished delicious homemade meals. It was heartwarming to see their smiling faces.

Though I had a great time, I also managed to complete my summer assignments and prepare for the upcoming academic year. I dedicated a few hours every day to revising important subjects and brushing up on my skills.

As I write this, a mix of excitement and nostalgia fills my heart. I will miss the carefree days of vacation, but I'm also looking forward to reuniting with my school friends and embarking on new learning adventures.

I say goodbye to this special summer break with gratitude in my heart, and I look forward to the challenges and rewards that the upcoming school year will bring.

Up until then,

(Your Name)

Diary entry on five memorable days of our summer vacation.


Dear Diary,

There were a lot of memorable days during the summer break. We once spent a day exploring a magnificent waterfall and enjoying the cool mist it cast over us. On another occasion, as the waves swept our sandcastles away, we laughed. Then, while riding thrilling rides in an amusement park, we had an exciting adventure. The memories we made while roasting marshmallows and telling stories under the stars on the day we went camping will last a lifetime. We also learned about conservation and marvelled at exotic animals while touring a wildlife sanctuary. These five days were a kaleidoscope of happiness, laughter, and learning that left an everlasting impression on our hearts.

Yours in reminiscence,

[Your Name]

Tips to Write a Diary Entry

  • A diary entry is a personal account, so write in the first person.
  • At times, you may leave out the pronoun ‘I’. For example, “I'm really excited..." Went to the beach today.”
  • Use conversational and friendly language.

You can evolve your own suitable style depending on the topic of your writing. 

Practice Questions

List of all the topics for diary entry writing practice.

Diary Entry Topics for Practice
Diary Entry on the most useful day of the summer vacation
Diary Entry when you fought with your best friend in school.
Diary Entry today is the last day of school
Diary Entry on how you celebrate your Diwali
Diary Entry on how you caught a thief red-handed one night. normal August evening –
sleeping peacefully – disturbed by commotion – cupboards ransacked – movement behind curtain
Diary Entry expressing your feelings on the attitude of people towards freedom as
they consider that they are free to spoil the country and tarnish its image


What are the correct formats for diary entries?

The correct diary entry format includes the following points:.

The title and date are mentioned in this section. 

Time: The time of the entry is mentioned here.

Greeting: Here we write “Dear Diary” as a sign of greeting.

Content: Whatever a person wants to express and convey is written here.

Signature: As the diary is the writer's personal document, the diary entry doesn’t need any signature. It is totally optional.

Is there any different structure for diary entry in Class 10 and Class 9?

No, the diary writing format for Classes 9 and 10 is the same. The diary entry format includes the title, time, and greet using "DDear Diary” on the left side of the page, followed by the body (content based on the topic) while signing off with your name and signature.

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