CBSE Communicative English and Sanskrit Revised Books

Free Communicative English books and Communicative Sanskrit books from CBSE Publication

<red> April 10th, 2022 <red>

CBSE has released Revised Books for Class 9 English Communicative and Sanskrit.

CBSE Communicative English and Sanskrit Revised Books Uploaded on the website

In February 2022, CBSE had announced the reintroduction of Communicative English and Communicative Sanskrit from the 2022-23 academic session of Class 9. Consequently, the course will succeed to the 2023-24 session for Class 10 as well.

Read this update here.

Along with this announcement, CBSE also provided some pointers regarding the reason behind reintroducing the subjects, their level and their eligibility for students.

A couple months later in April 2022, revised books for Class 9 Communicative English and Communicative Sanskrit were uploaded on the CBSE Academic website.

Click on the link given below to view all Communicative English books and Communicative Sanskrit books made available from CBSE Publication for free.

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