Can I Get Good Marks Without Studying?


Can I get good marks without studying?


A very straightforward answer is NO, ABSOLUTELY NO. Forget about good marks; you won't even get a single mark without studying if you don't have any prior knowledge of the subject. Remember, there is no substitute for study and hard work.

Let's understand it with the help of an example. How would you describe what an apple tastes like if you haven't tasted one? You can only assume the taste and give a random answer that you think might be right, but in the end, it will only be an assumption, not fact. And teachers don't give numbers on assumptions; they require facts. So, to answer what an apple tastes like, you have to taste it or study its tastes. The point is you have to study to acquire knowledge. We haven't progressed that far, where, with a single chip inserted in your brain, all the information or knowledge will be processed and stored in it forever, making you superhuman even without working.