Science is a subject that makes students explore and understand the world around them. The Class 9 Science practical file is essential for students, as the practical exam contains 20 marks. The CBSE aims to provide their students with a pragmatic approach to concepts so they will have absolute knowledge of the topics they study in their books and syllabi.
The lab manuals have a meaningful presence, as they are not only to maintain records but also to help you build your creative thinking skills. You will correlate the concepts, which makes them retain information longer.
CBSE Class 9 Science Lab Manual Syllabus - Practicals List Solutions
The Class 9 Science practical file activities constitute 12 marks in the final board examinations as part of the internal assessment. NCERT has provided free Class 9 Lab Manual activity PDFs in downloadable format for students as well as teachers.
As per the NCERT Class 9 Lab Manual Activity list, 32 activities are included for the practical examinations.
1. How will you show and compare the compressibility of gases and liquids?
To show and compare the compressibility of gases and liquids
What is required?
Syringe (2mL), water and beaker
How will you proceed?
Take a clean syringe and pull the piston outward [Fig. 9.1.1 (a) i].
Block the nozzle of the syringe with your thumb [Fig. 9.1.1 (a) ii] and push the piston inward. Release the piston and record its position.
Push the piston inward again and release it. Does it come back to its original position? [Fig.9.1.1 (a) iii]
Repeat the above experiment by filling the syringe with water and note the observations [Fig.9.1.1 (b)].
What have you learned?
In the case of air/gases, the piston could be pushed to some distance. In the case of water, the piston did not move.
The above activity proves that gases are compressible, whereas liquids are not or are compressible compared to air/gases.
2. How will you determine the water's boiling point and ice's melting point?
Part A
Aim: Determination of boiling point of water.
What is required?
Fusion tube, capillary tube, tripod, kerosene burner, thermometer, aluminum block, Pasteur pipette and stand with clamp
How will you proceed?
In a fusion tube, transfer 4-5 drops of water with the help of a Pasteur pipette and place it in one of the holes of the aluminum block (B.P. and M.P. apparatus). Care should be taken so that the water level in the fusion tube is visible after placing it in the hole. Seal one end of a capillary tube in the flame of the kerosene burner. Dip the open end of the capillary tube into water in the fusion tube.
Insert the thermometer in the second hole of the aluminum block.
Slowly put the aluminum block on the tripod stand and heat the apparatus with the help of a kerosene burner.
Observe what happens to the water. Do you see any bubbles rising slowly in the fusion tube?
Record the temperature when you observe a steady stream of bubbles. This temperature is the boiling point of water. Did you observe any further rise in temperature after the constant stream of bubbles started coming out?
What have you learned?
The boiling point of water remains constant during the boiling.
Part B
Determination of the melting point of ice.
What is required?
Micro beaker (10 mL), stand with clamp, thermometer, cork and ice
How will you proceed?
Take crushed ice in a micro beaker and insert a thermometer in it by hanging it from the stand's clamp so that the thermometer bulb is entirely inside the ice.
Wait for some time and keep recording the temperature after small intervals.
Note down the temperature when ice just starts melting.
Let the bulb of the thermometer remain in the mixture of ice and water for some more time and keep recording the temperature. Do you observe further changes in temperature?
What have you learned?
The melting point of ice remains constant during the melting of the ice.
3. How will you study the phenomenon of sublimation?
To study the phenomenon of sublimation.
What is required?
Camphor/naphthalene/iodine, tripod, China dish, funnel, cotton, kerosene burner and spatula
How will you proceed?
Place a spatula full of crushed camphor/naphthalene/iodine in a clean and dry China dish on the tripod.
Take a funnel and plug its nozzle with cotton.
Invert this funnel to the Chinese dish.
Light the kerosene burner and place it under the tripod.
Heat the China dish for a few minutes and observe what happens.
Has a camphor/naphthalene/iodine changed into a liquid state?
What have you learned?
A solid deposit of camphor/ naphthalene/iodine was observed on the inner wall of the funnel.
On heating, solid camphor/naphthalene/iodine changed from solid to vapor state. This process is known as sublimation.
4. How does the rate of evaporation of different liquids differ?
To check the reason the rate of evaporation of different liquids differ
What is required?
Water, acetone, rectified spirit, micro beakers (10 mL) and thermometer
How will you proceed?
Take 5 mL each of water, acetone and rectified spirit in three micro beakers, respectively.
Record the temperature of each of the three liquids.
Wait for about 10 minutes and again record the temperature of each liquid. Do you find any change in the temperatures of these three liquids?
Measure the volume of each liquid remaining in the beaker.
Note the decrease in volume of each liquid.
Repeat the above activity by keeping the above set-up in direct sunlight and observing. What happens to the rate of evaporation with the increase in temperature?
What have you learned?
The order of evaporation rates for water, acetone, the rectified spirit is acetone > rectified spirit > water.
The rate of evaporation increases and decreases with the decrease in temperature.
5. How do you prepare the saturated solution of common salt in distilled water?
To prepare the saturated solution of common salt in distilled water
What is required?
Common salt (sodium chloride), water, micro beaker (10 mL), glass rod, kerosene burner and tripod
How will you proceed?
Take 5 mL of distilled water in a micro beaker.
Add one spatula full of sodium chloride to the beaker and stir it with the help of a glass rod.
Keep on adding one spatula of salt at a time to the beaker and dissolving it till no more sodium chloride dissolves. The solution thus obtained is the saturated solution of sodium chloride.
Repeat this activity by taking 5 mL of hot water in the beaker and counting how many spatulas of the salt have dissolved.
What have you learned?
A saturated solution is one in which no more solute dissolves at a particular temperature.
The solubility increases as the temperature increases.
6. How do you prepare a solution of common salt with a composition of 10 percent by volume?
To prepare a solution of common salt with a 10 percent composition by volume.
Add some water and shake it well to dissolve the sodium chloride in water completely.
Add water to the flask up to the mark of the flask. This is 10% concentration by volume of a solution.
Note: Use the physical balance available in the school laboratory.
What have you learned?
In 10% sodium chloride solution in water by volume, the solute is 10 g, and the solvent is 100 mL.
7. How do we separate the components of a mixture containing sand, common salt and camphor?
To separate the components of a mixture containing sand, common salt and camphor.
Note: You may be given ammonium chloride instead of camphor, but it is difficult to separate it).
What is required?
China dish, funnel, tripod stand, beaker, kerosene burner, water, filter paper, glass rod, a mixture of sand, common salt, camphor, cotton and stand with clamp
How will you proceed?
Take the mixture in a China dish and cover it with a cotton-plugged inverted funnel, as in Activity 9.1.3.
Heat the contents of the China dish till the whole of the camphor sublimes.
Remove the funnel and collect the solid deposited on the inner side of the funnel by scrapping it.
Now add water to the China dish after cooling. Stir well.
Fold the filter paper and fit it in the funnel. Transfer the contents of the China dish to the funnel.
Collect the filtrate in a beaker and evaporate water from the solution to regain common salt.
You will get the sand on the filter paper.
What have you learned?
Camphor can be separated from the mixture by sublimation.
Sand can be separated from the dissolved common salt by filtration.
Common salt can be obtained by evaporation from its solution in water.
When dissolved in the solvent, a solute does not lose its properties.
8. How do we prepare and identify a homogenous mixture and a heterogeneous mixture?
To prepare and identify a homogenous mixture and a heterogeneous mixture
Take 5 mL of water in a 10 mL micro beaker and add one spatula full of sodium chloride/ sugar.
Stir it well and filter.
What do you observe on the filter paper?
Do you observe any particles settling down in the solution?
Part B
How to prepare for a suspension?
Add 5 mL of water to a micro beaker and one sand/chalk powder spatula.
Stir it well and observe.
Filter the solution through a filter paper.
What do you observe on the filter paper?
Part C
How to prepare a colloidal solution?
Take one spatula of starch powder in a 10 mL micro beaker and make its paste with water.
Add the paste gradually by stirring to another beaker containing 5 mL water.
Heat the mixture with constant stirring. Do not boil.
Cool it and filter.
What do you observe on the filter paper? Do you observe some turbidity in the filtrate?
In this colloidal solution, you cannot see the particles of starch, whereas you can see the particles of sand in the suspension. The particles in colloids are so small that you cannot see them with the naked eye. But you can prove them to be present when a light beam passes through the solution. These become visible by scattering the light.
The mixture in Part A is homogeneous.
Mixtures in Part B and Part C are heterogeneous mixtures.
What have you learned?
Salt/sugar in water forms a homogenous mixture.
Sand/Chalk powder in water forms a heterogeneous mixture.
The residue was seen on the filter paper in the case of a heterogeneous mixture.
The homogenous solution is transparent.
Suspensions are opaque.
Suspended solids can be separated by filtration.
Colloidal solutions are translucent and make a heterogeneous mixture.
Solid particles of a colloidal solution cannot be separated by filtration.
The enamel paint is an example of a heterogeneous mixture and colloidal solution.
9. How do we differentiate between a homogenous solution, colloidal solution and suspension based on transparency, filtration and Tyndal effect?
To differentiate between a homogenous solution, colloidal solution and suspension based on transparency, filtration and Tyndal effect.
What is required?
Salt /Sugar, Sand/Chalk powder, starch powder, beaker, funnel, filter papers, stirring rod, tripod stand and kerosene burner
How to proceed?
Prepare the solution of salt/ sugar, sand/chalk powder and starch powder in water separately in micro beakers as given in Activity 9.2.4.
Put an 'X' mark on three pieces of paper. Keep the beakers undisturbed for some time on these papers respectively.
Observe carefully the X mark on the papers from the top of the beakers.
Record your observations in the table given below. Why did we wait for some time after preparing the mixture?
Filter each of the above three mixtures separately in three different beakers.
Observe whether or not the residue is obtained.
Record your observations in the following table.
Allow the torch light to pass through the three solutions and observe the light.
Record your observations in the following table.
Why does the path of light become visible in colloids?
What have you learned?
Amongst the three mixtures are salt solution, starch solution, and chalk powder suspension.
The largest particle size is in the case of chalk powder with water solution.
The Tyndal effect is shown by starch solution.
10. How to separate a mixture of two immiscible liquids?
To separate a mixture of two immiscible liquids
What is required?
Beaker, stand with clamp, double-mouthed flask fitted with a glass stopcock at one end and cork.
How to proceed?
Take an equal volume of water and oil in a beaker.
Transfer the above contents to a double-mouthed flask with a glass stopper fitted on the lower end. Care should be taken that the stopcock is closed.
Close the mouth of the flask with cork and shake the mixture well.
Leave it for some time till two distinct layers are seen.
Open the stopcock slowly and carefully and allow the lower layer to flow down into another beaker.
Close the stopcock as soon as the lower layer has wholly been transferred and the upper layer reaches the stopcock.
Collect the liquid forming the upper layer in a separate beaker.
What have you learned?
Oil forms the upper layer in the mixture of water and oil.
The liquid forming the lower layer has a higher density than the liquid in the upper layer.
11. How do you differentiate between a mixture and a compound?
To differentiate between a mixture and a compound.
What is required?
Sulphur powder, iron fillings (fine), micro test tube, tripod stand, ferrite bar magnet, test tubes, dil. H2SO4, kerosene burner, Petri dish, pestle and mortar, Pasteur pipette, lead acetate solution and test tube holder
How to proceed?
Take about ten spatula of iron fillings/powder and seven spatula of sulphur powder.
Mix them properly in a China dish.
Take half of the above mixture in a micro test tube and put a cotton plug in its mouth. Heat the contents first slowly and then strongly till an incandescent mass is visible in the test tube.
Allow the test tube to cool, and then scrap out the black mass formed and break it into smaller pieces. Label it as A.
Transfer the other half of the mixture (step 2) to a Petri dish and label it B.
Perform the following tests with samples A and B and record your observations in the following table.
Sample A
Sample B
1. Magnet test: Bring the magnet near each of the samples A and B.
What do you observe? What do you infer? -------------------------
What do you observe? What do you infer? --------------------------
2. Take samples A and B separately in test tubes. Add two drops of dil H2SO4 / HCl separately to samples A and B Test the evolved gas as follows: Bring a burning splinter near the mouth of W-tubes. Bring a filter paper dipped in lead acetate solution near the mouth of the test tubes.
3. Appearance: Place a small quantity of samples A and B on watch glasses. How does it look - (Heterogeneous or Homogenous)? Do you see the Fe and S particles?
4. Behaviour towards CS2 Take a spatula for each of A and B in two separate test tubes. Transfer a few drops of CS2 to the tubes.
For test 2 above. In the case of a W-tube, transfer 2-3 drops of lead acetate solution into another arm with the help of a Pasteur pipette. Transfer a few drops of dil.H2SO4 into the first arm.
What have you learned?
The compounds do not show the properties of their constituents. For example, 'A' does not show the properties of Fe and S.
12. How do we verify the law of conservation of mass in a chemical reaction?
To verify the law of conservation of mass in a chemical reaction.
What is required?
Ignition tube, conical flask, silver nitrate, sodium chloride, thread, cork, balance. (In case silver nitrate is not available due to its high cost, the experiment can be done with barium chloride and sodium sulphate)
How will you proceed?
Prepare a 5% solution (mass by volume) of silver nitrate and sodium chloride, as mentioned in Activity 9.2.2.
Take silver nitrate solution in an ignition tube and sodium chloride solution in the conical flask.
Hang the ignition tube in the flask with the help of the thread in such a way that the solutions do not get mixed.
Fit a cork in the mouth of the flask. Now, measure the mass of the flask.
After weighing, tilt and swirl the flask so that the two solutions get mixed. Observe the state of the contents.
Again, determine the mass of the flask. Do you find any difference in the masses in these two cases, one before the reaction and one after the response?
Use the physical balance available in the school laboratory for the preparation of a 5% solution (by volume) of silver nitrate and sodium chloride.
The initial mass of the flask and its contents = m1=.............g.The final mass of the flask and its contents = m2 =.........g.
What have you learned?
The mass of the reactants and products remains the same.
13. How do we build a static model of electron distribution in atoms in different orbits of the first eighteen atoms?
To build a static model of electron distribution in atoms in different orbits of the first eighteen atoms.
What is required?
Wire, beads, cardboard, drawing pins and sleeve
How will you proceed?
Let us build a model for the Na atom. Fix a drawing pin in the center of a cardboard. This represents the nucleus of the atom of the element for which you would like to build a model.
Calculate the number of electrons in each orbit of the sodium atom.
Make a circular loop of wire with a diameter of about 6 cm. Insert two beads and close the ends with the help of the sleeve. This is the first orbit. Fix it on the cardboard so that the drawing pin is in the center of this loop.
Make another circular loop with a diameter of about 10 cm. Insert eight beads and close the ends. This is the second orbit. Fix this on the cardboard in such a way that the drawing pin is also in the center of this loop.
Make another loop of diameter, say 16 cm. Insert one bead and close the ends. This is the third orbit. Fix it on the cardboard so that the drawing pin is again at the center of this loop.
What have you learned?
A model of a sodium atom is built by using wire and beads.
14. a) How do you study the parts of a dissection microscope and their functions?
To study the parts of a dissection microscope and their functions.
A dissection microscope is used not only for magnifying objects but also to carry out dissections of tiny organisms, which the naked eye can not do.
What is required?
A dissection microscope
How will you proceed?
Locate and observe the following parts of the dissection microscope:
The base holds the body of the microscope.
Mirror-Concave on one side and plain on the other.
Stage-For keeping the slide or material.
Clips–To hold the slide in position.
Vertical limb–This can be moved up and down.
Adjustment knobs–For focusing.
Folded arm–Attached to the tip of the vertical limb, the eyepiece can be moved.
Lens holder with a lens.
What have you learned?
A dissecting microscope is used to view objects that are too small to be seen clearly by the naked eye. This microscope can magnify objects up to 10 or 15 times. Small objects can also be dissected under observation using this device.
Open soaked seeds of moong or urd, and see the plumule and radicle under the dissection microscope. See small insects like ants and lice and observe their eyes, limbs and other body parts.
The eyepiece and stage should be wiped clean with a moist cloth.
Clean the stage of the lens after use.
15. b) How do you study the parts of a compound microscope and their functions?
To study the parts of a compound microscope and their functions.
What is required?
A compound microscope
How will you proceed?
Hold the arm of the compound microscope and observe the following parts.
Base—Holds the body of the microscope.
Mirror—Concave on one side and plain on the other.
Stage—The slide is kept here.
Clips—To hold the slide in position.
Arm/Body—To hold the microscope.
Nose Piece—This is used to change the objective lenses.
Draw Tube—Long, hollow tube for passing light.
Objective Lenses—Of different magnifications inscribed on them (10X, 40/45X). They are attached to the nosepiece.
Eye Piece—At the upper tip of the draw tube for observing with the eye.
Coarse Adjustment Knob—For adjusting the draw tube to help focus the low-power objective lens.
Fine Adjustment Knob—For fine focusing and maximum clarity under high power objectives.
Diaphragm—To control the aperture for incoming light.
Condenser—focuses light below the stage.
What have you learned?
The microscope is used to view objects which are too small to be seen by our naked eye. Objects to be viewed are kept on a glass slide under reflected light.
Compare the size of a minute organism under a magnifying lens, a dissecting microscope and a compound microscope.
Always place the microscope facing the source of light.
The eyepiece and objective lenses should be in line.
Hold the microscope by the arm with one hand and support the base with the other.
Before using the microscope, clean the stage, lenses or mirror.
16 a) How to study plant cells?
To study plant cells
What is required?
Onion bulb, slides, covers slips, forceps, needle, brush, watch glass, glycerine, safranin/methylene blue and compound microscope.
How will you proceed?
Take out a peel from the inner side of the fleshy scale leaf of the onion bulb.
Put the peel in a watch glass containing water and cut it into small rectangular pieces.
Transfer the cut pieces into another watch glass with blue safranin/ methylene, and leave the peel for about 3 minutes.
Wash the peel with water to remove excess stains.
Put a drop of glycerine in the middle of a clean slide and transfer the stained peel onto it.
Place the cover slip on the material by lowering it slowly with the help of a needle.
Remove excess glycerine with blotting paper.
Keep the prepared slide on the microscope stage and observe under low power.
Draw what you have observed under a microscope and label the diagram.
What have you learned?
The onion peel cells are rectangular and compactly arranged.
A thick cell wall surrounds each cell.
A dense spherical body, the nucleus, is seen in each cell.
Cell membranes can also be observed.
Care should be taken while putting the coverslip to avoid the entry of air bubbles. For this purpose, keep the coverslip at 45 degrees on the slide and then slowly lower it using the needle.
Observe leaf epidermal peel of Tradescantia/Rhoeo/ Bryophyllum, onion root tip.
Rinse your mouth with fresh water and gently scrap the inner side of the cheek with the blunt edge of a wooden ice cream spoon.
Transfer the scrapped material into a drop of water on a clean slide.
Spread the material uniformly, and add a drop of methylene blue stain. After 3 minutes, add a drop of glycerine over the material.
Place a cover slip on the material by lowering it slowly with the help of a needle.
Remove excess glycerine with blotting paper.
Keep this prepared slide on the microscope stage and observe it under low power.
Draw what you have observed under the microscope and label the diagram.
What have you learned?
Cheek cells are polygonal in shape.
The cell membrane and nucleus are visible.
Scrap the inner lining of the cheek very gently.
Avoid air bubbles while placing the cover slip.
You can observe another type of animal cells with the help of permanent slides of muscles, blood, epithelium, etc.
17. How do we study the process of osmosis?
To study the process of osmosis.
What is required?
Glass beaker, two raw eggs, sugar/salt solution dil. Hydrochloric acid and water
How will you proceed?
Keep two eggs in dil. HCl for about one hour to dissolve the shell of the eggs.
Wash the de-shelled eggs with water thoroughly.
Take two beakers-one half filled with water and the other with saturated sugar/ salt solution.
Put one egg in each of the beakers.
After about four hours, observe the two de-shelled eggs.
What have you learned?
The de-shelled egg kept in the water looks swollen with increased volume.
The other de-shelled egg kept in the sugar solution has shrunk in size.
Use only dil.HCl so that the egg membrane is not damaged.
Ensure that the egg is completely immersed in dil. HCl.
You can also study osmosis in potatoes, carrots and radishes.
18. How do we study the processes of plasmolysis and deplasmolysis?
To study the processes of plasmolysis and deplasmolysis.
When cells are placed in a concentrated solution (5%), the cell contents shrink, resulting in plasmolysis. However, when these cells are placed in water, the cells recover due to deplasmolysis.
Take out a few epidermal peels from the lower epidermis of the leaf.
Put one piece of peel in a drop of water on a clean slide and put a cover slip over it.
Observe the peel under the low power of the microscope. Notice the size of the vacuoles and pink cytoplasm.
Remove the cover slip and add the sugar solution.
Wait for five minutes, and place the coverslip back on the peel.
Blot out the excess solution from the sides of the coverslip.
Focus the cells under low power and observe.
Remove the cover slip and add water to the material. Observe what happens to the protoplast of the cells after 5 minutes.
What have you learned?
In sugar solution, the protoplast of the cells shrunk away from the cell wall, leaving a gap between the cell wall and the cell membrane. This phenomenon is known as plasmolysis.
When water is added to the plasmolyzed cells, they regain their earlier shape. This is known as deplasmolysis.
Take two slices of cucumber in two Petri dishes. In one, sprinkle salt and leave the other as such. Observe the difference in the surface of cucumber slices and the amount of water released from both in the Petri dishes after 10 minutes.
Observe what happens to a plant when excess chemical fertilizer is added.
We have studied plasmolysis in plants with red or pink natural cell sap; hence, the shrinkage and expansion can be seen clearly. Staining with safranin is avoided to save the semipermeable nature of the membrane.
The range of diversity in plants is extensive, from simple forms like algae to complex Angiosperms like rose, mango, peepal, etc.
What is required?
Slide of Spirogyra, specimens of Agaricus, Moss, Fern, Pinus (leaves and cones), any annual angiosperm (Specimen can be collected from the lab/natural surroundings) and compound microscope
How will you proceed?
1. Spirogyra
Keep the slide of Spirogyra under the low power of the microscope and observe.
Draw and label the diagram. Spirogyra is an alga found in ponds as slimy filaments.
It has a green filamentous and unbranched body. Each filament has long cells that are joint end to end.
Each cell has a spiral, ribbon-shaped chloroplast. Each cell has a single nucleus and a large vacuole.
2. Agaricus (an edible mushroom)
We see the fruiting body of Agaricus, which is fleshy and umbrella-like.
The mature plant body is divided into a stalk and a cap called a pileus.
A ring-like annulus is attached at the base of the stalk.
The cap has gills that bear spores.
3. Moss (found on damp walls and tree trunks)
The plant body is about 1-3 cm long, differentiated into a central axis, leaf-like structures and root-like rhizoids.
The central axis is erect, branched or unbranched.
Small leafy structures are arranged circularly on the stem-like structure.
Long rhizoids are present at the base of the stem.
4. Fern
The plant body is differentiated into stems, roots and leaves.
The stem is short, stout and underground. It is called a rhizome.
The leaves are compound with tiny leaflets arranged on either side of the rachis.
5. Pinus (a cone-bearing tree)
Pinus is a tree with a stem, leaves and roots.
The plant has a complex, woody stem.
Male and female cones are the reproductive organs.
Male cones are smaller and tender. Female cones are more extensive and woody when mature.
6. Angiosperm plant (say, Mustard Plant )
The plant body is divided into roots, stems and leaves.
Stem has nodes and internodes.
Leaves arise from nodes.
Plants have flowers and fruits.
Similarly, study other plants growing around your school and home.
Beware of thorns on some plants.
Do not touch all wild mushrooms, as some may be poisonous.
22. How do you differentiate a dicot from a monocot plant?
To differentiate a dicot from a monocot plant.
Angiosperms are of two types – dicot and monocot.
What is required?
Magnifying lens, newspapers, forceps, scissors, a dicot plant (Amaranthus, chaulai), a monocot plant (grass) and seeds (pulses, wheat, rice, maize etc.)
How will you proceed?
Observe the differences in leaf venation, roots and seeds.
Roots may be washed and spread on a newspaper to study the details.
Study the shape and venation of leaves.
Remove the seed coat and count the number of cotyledons (soak the seeds, whatever is required).
Draw and label the diagrams.
What have you learned?
Dicot plants have tap roots, leaves with recticulate venation, and two cotyledon seeds.
Monocot plants have fibrous roots, leaves with parallel venation, and seeds that only have one cotyledon.
Study some more common plants growing around you.
Fill your observations in the table given below and classify them into monocot and dicot plants.
23. How to prepare a herbarium sheet?
To prepare a herbarium sheet.
What is required?
Plant specimen or a twig with leaves and flowers, thick white sheet (40 cm X 28 cm), old newspapers, adhesive, sewing needle and thread.
How will you proceed?
Collect a small plant or twig with leaves and flowers.
Remove the moisture by keeping the plant /plant part inside the folds of the newspaper and keep a heavy book or brick on it.
Keep changing the newspaper daily till the plant is dried correctly.
Transfer the dried plant carefully onto a herbarium sheet and stitch the plant on the sheet using a needle and thread.
At the bottom right corner of the sheet, stick a label with adhesive that has your name, the name of the plant, the place, and the date of collection.
At least one leaf should be kept upturned to expose the ventral surface.
Do not select aquatic and succulent plants for the herbarium.
Care should be taken to dry the plant completely before mounting.
The use of cellophane/tape or adhesive to stick the plant should be avoided.
24. How do we study diversity in animals?
To study diversity in animals.
There is a vast variety of animals around us – from single-celled Amoeba to complex human beings.
What is required?
Specimens of flashcards of earthworms, cockroaches, bony fish and bird
How will you proceed?
Closely observe the specimens and record one specific feature of the group to which it belongs.
Draw the diagram of each specimen.
Note down one adaptive feature of each specimen.
What have you learned?
a) Earthworm –[Phylum: Annelida]
The body is divisible into distinct annular segments called metameres.
Skin moist and slimy.
b) Cockroach –Phylum: [Arthopoda; Class: Insecta]
Jointed appendages, segmented body, three pairs of legs.
Chitinous exoskeleton over the body.
c) Bony fish – [Phylum: Chordata; Class: Pisces]
Streamlined body-bearing fins adapted for swimming.
Four pairs of gills are present and covered by operculum.
d) Bird-[Phylum: Chordata ; Class : Aves]
The body is covered with feathers.
Has a pointed beak.
Forelimbs are modified into wings.
Observe the animals around, note their characteristic features, and assign them to their respective groups.
25. How do you study the life cycle of an insect?
To study the life cycle of an insect
There are different stages in the life cycle of certain organisms.
What is required?
Permanent slides and charts depicting various stages of the life cycle of a mosquito (egg, larva, pupa, adult) and compound microscope
How will you proceed?
Observe the chart and study each stage carefully.
Note the characteristics of each stage.
Draw a diagram of all the stages.
Compare what you have observed in the chart with the stages of mosquito as seen under the microscope.
What have you learned?
The mosquito has an indirect development where distinctly different stages (from egg to adult) exist. This phenomenon is known as metamorphism.
Various stages show differences in their morphological features (physical features).
Eggs are laid in stagnant water bodies. Larvae hatch out from the eggs and undergo molting 5-6 times (sheds the outer cover 5-6 times).
The pupa does not feed and remains inactive. An adult emerges from the pupa.
Study the stages of the life cycle of houseflies and cockroaches.
26. How do we study the life cycle of a malarial parasite (Plasmodium)?
To study the life cycle of a malarial parasite (Plasmodium)
What is required?
Chart depicting various developmental stages of the life cycle of PlasmodiumHow will you proceed?
Study different stages of the life cycle of Plasmodium from the chart.
Draw a flow chart of the stages.
What have you learned?
Plasmodium completes its life cycle partly in human beings and partly in the female Anopheles mosquito.
The parasite enters the human body as sporozoites (infective stage) through a mosquito bite and completes its life cycle in the liver and red blood cells.
They release toxins from the ruptured red blood cells, causing the symptoms of malaria in human beings.
Some of the parasite cells form male and female gametocytes.
These gametocytes enter a fresh mosquito while feeding on the patient's blood. Fertilization occurs in the midgut of a mosquito, and the resultant stage is called an oocyst. The oocyst ruptures to release sporozoites, which migrate to mosquito salivary glands.
When this mosquito bites a healthy human being, the sporozoits enter into his body.
27. How do we study diseases in locally available crops?
To study diseases in locally available crops.
Many parasitic organisms cause disease in various crops.
What is required?
Forceps, scissors, slides, diseased plant parts like stems, leaves, fruits, etc.
How will you proceed?
Collect some diseased plants from crop fields/farms/gardens.
Observe the diseased plant parts closely for symptoms like discoloration, infection spots, colored patches, stunted growth, swellings, curling and yellowing of leaves, and soft and decaying parts.
Draw and label the infected part.
What have you learned?
The diseased parts show signs of infections.
Specific symptoms can identify infected plants.
List the pests that attack stored cereals at home.
Suggest home remedies to control them.
Observe red patches and note the alcoholic smell in the infected sugar cane.
28. How can we determine the direction of motion of a body moving in a circular path?
How to determine the direction of motion of a body moving in a circular path?
What is required?
Strong thread about 1 m and an eraser
How will you proceed?
Tie the eraser at one end of a piece of thread of length about 70-80 cm.
Hold the thread at the other end and move the eraser fast in such a way that it describes a circular path.
Release the thread from your hand. What do you observe? In which direction the eraser moves when it is released?
Repeat the activity by releasing the eraser at different positions of the circular path. Note down the direction in which it moves now. Does the direction in which the eraser moves remain the same in each case?
This activity should be done in a safe, open space.
What have you learned?
When a body moves in a circular path, its direction of motion changes at every point.
At any point, the direction of motion is along the tangent to the circle.
Change the length of the thread and repeat the activity. Do you find any change in the direction of motion of the eraser?
29. (a) How are the directions of action and reaction forces related?
The relation between the directions of action and reaction forces
What is required?
Syringe, sleeve (thin, flexible tube), aluminum wire about 5 cm long and a beaker.
How will you proceed?
Take a syringe and fit a sleeve (thin, flexible tube) of about 15 cm in length to its nozzle.
Insert the aluminum wire into the sleeve and bend it into a 900 arc of a circle.
Dip the sleeve in water kept in a beaker and pull out the piston of the syringe so that the syringe is filled with water. You inevitably pull in some air bubbles, too. Push the bubbles out, and once more, fill the syringe with water.
Take the sleeve out of the water. Hold it stable horizontally against the edge of a table, with bent wire pointing to the side.
Push the piston inwards.
Observe in which direction the stream of water comes out of the sleeve.
Also, observe simultaneously what happens to the sleeve. It moves opposite to the water stream. Is there any force acting on the sleeve? What is the direction of this force? Repeat Steps 3 to 7 several times and conclude from your observations.
What have you learned?
As the stream of water comes out from the sleeve, the sleeve moves in the opposite direction. This shows that moving out of water is due to the force of the action. The movement of the sleeve is due to the force of reaction. The action and reaction forces act in opposite directions.
Repeat this activity by pressing the piston slowly and quickly. Do you find any effect of it on the motion of the sleeve in a backward direction?
Alternatively, the above relationship between directions of action and reaction forces can also be learned by the following activity.
29. (b) Are the direction of action and reaction forces related?
To check if there is a relation between the direction of action and reaction forces
What is required?
balloon, a straw, thread, a pair of scissors and an adhesive tape
How will you proceed?
Pass a thread of about 4 m to 5m length through a straw and tie it across the length or breadth of the room.
Take a big balloon. Inflate it fully and hold its neck so that air does not come out. Move the straw near one end of the thread, and keep the inflated balloon under the straw in contact with it, the neck of the balloon facing the wall as shown in [Fig. 9.9.1(b)].
How will you proceed?
Let your friend stick the balloon under the straw with at least two pieces of sticking tape.
Now, release the balloon. What happens to the balloon? In what direction does it move? In which direction does air escape from the balloon?
What have you learned?
The balloon and the air escaping from the balloon move in opposite directions. Thus, action and reaction forces act in opposite directions.
Hold the thread vertically with the balloon at the lower end and its mouth facing the ground. Also, repeat the activity using balloons of different sizes.
30. How do we demonstrate the third law of motion?
To demonstrate the third law of motion
What is required?
Two identical spring balances
How will you proceed?
Take two identical spring balances and join their hooks.
Hold them horizontally in your hands, as shown in [Fig 9.9.2].
Keep one spring balance fixed in your left hand, and pull the other spring balance with your right hand. Ensure that the rods of the spring balances do not touch their bodies.
Observe the readings of scales on both the spring balances. Are they equal?
Pull the right-hand spring balance with a different force. Observe the readings on both the spring balances again. Are the two respective readings equal in each case?
What is the direction of action and reaction forces when you are pulling the spring balances? What do you infer?
What have you learned?
The readings on both the balances are the same in each case. The action force exerted by the spring balance held in the right hand is equal to the reaction force exerted on the spring balance held in the left hand. Thus, action and reaction forces are equal and opposite and act on two different bodies.
Repeat the activity by holding two spring balances vertically. Are the readings on both balances the same again?
31. Does the total momentum of a system of bodies remain the same when they collide?
To check if the total momentum of a system of bodies remains the same when they collide.
What is required?
Two steel balls suspended by two threads, each V-shaped, just touch each other when at rest.
How will you proceed?
Let the two steel balls be at rest, touching each other, as shown in [Fig. 9.9.3].
Now deflect one ball away from the other, keeping the two threads (by which it is suspended) stretched through an angle of at least 300 from vertical.
Gently release this ball so that it starts its motion with zero initial velocity.
Observe what happens when it hits the second ball.
You will find that after the collision, the first ball comes to rest, and the second ball moves ahead. As the second ball reaches its maximum deflection, hold it there and estimate whether this deflection is equal to or less than or greater than the deflection of the first ball when it started motion. Perhaps, you guess that the two deflections are equal. Hence, the speed of the second ball after the collision was equal to the speed of the first ball just before the collision. Thus, the total momentum of the balls is the same before and after the collision.
Repeat this activity by releasing the first ball at various deflections.
What have you learned?
The total momentum of a system of bodies before the collision is the same as after the collision.
If you can make this apparatus using two equal wooden balls (after used by children for playing). Then perhaps the first ball does not fully come to rest. Try to estimate how far two balls deflect after the collision and whether their total momentum after the collision is the same as before the collision.
32. Does the pressure depend upon the area on which force is exerted?
To check if the pressure depends upon the area on which force is exerted
What is required?
A square wooden board of dimensions (10 cm × 10 cm × 1 cm) with four nails fixed at corners, a plastic tray, sand and an object of about 200 g (a stone or sand in a pouch).
How will you proceed?
Fill a plastic tray with sand to a depth of about 5 cm.
Put the wooden board over the sand with the pointed side of the nails facing downwards, as shown in [Fig 9.10.1(a)]. Also, put the weight on the board.
Observe the depth of the nails up to which they penetrate the sand.
Now, put the wooden board on the sand with the head of the nails facing downwards [Fig 9.10.1(b)]. Again, put the weight on the board.
Observe the depth up to which the heads of the nails penetrate the sand.
In which of the above two cases the penetration is more?
Do you find any relation between the penetration of the nails and areas of contact of the nails with the sand in the above two cases?
What have you learned?
The same force acting on a smaller area exerts a larger pressure and a smaller pressure on a larger area.
33. How does the pressure vary with the depth of a liquid?
Understand how the pressure varies with the depth of a liquid
What is required?
A funnel, a large rubber balloon, a plastic U tube, thread, a rubber tube of about 30-40 cm in length, a bucket and water.
How will you proceed?
Fix a balloon on the mouth of a funnel with the help of a piece of thread in such a way that the balloon acts as a stretched membrane.
Connect one end of the rubber tubing with the stem of the funnel and the other end with the U tube.
Fill water in a U-tube. You will observe that the water level is the same in both limbs of the U tube.
Now dip the mouth of the funnel in a bucket/container with water, as shown in [Fig 9.10.2].
Observe what happens to the water level in the two limbs of the tube?
Now, lower the funnel into the water in the bucket to different depths. What difference do you observe in the level of water in the two limbs of the U-tube? In which case the difference in the level of water in the two limbs is maximum? What do you conclude from these observations?
What have you learned?
Pressure in liquids increases with depth.
Repeat the above activity at any particular depth of the liquid in the bucket by moving the funnel sideways. What changes do you get in your readings?
34. Why do you feel an upward push when a solid is immersed in a liquid?
Reason why you feel an upward push when a solid is immersed in a liquid
What is required?
A plastic bottle, a bucket and a water
How will you proceed?
Take an empty plastic bottle.
Close its mouth with an airtight stopper and push it vertically downwards into a bucket filled with water.
Do you feel an upward push? Why is there difficulty when you are pushing the bottle into the water?
Push the bottle more deeply into the bucket. Why is there more difficulty when the bottle is pushed deeper into the water?
Now, you push the bottle still deeper into the water till it is fully immersed. If you push it further deep into the water, do you still feel more difficulty? If not, why?
Now, release the bottle; what do you observe? Why does the bottle bounce back to the surface of the water?
What have you learned?
An upward force is exerted when a solid is immersed in a liquid. It is known as buoyant force. The buoyant force becomes constant when the body is fully immersed.
35. How can you determine the density of a solid denser than water?
To determine the density of a solid denser than water
What is required?
A metal bob with a hook, thread, measuring cylinder and spring balance
How will you proceed?
Take a metal bob with a hook. Suspend it from the hook of a spring balance using a thread. Note down its mass (though the spring balance gives weight to the spring balance given in the kit, which is calibrated to measure the mass.)
Take a measuring cylinder and fill about half of it with water. Note the reading of the water level in the measuring cylinder. Now, suspend the bob in the measuring cylinder so that it is completely immersed in water.
Note down the level of water in the measuring cylinder.
The difference in the two readings of the measuring cylinder is the volume of the metal bob.
Find out the ratio of the mass of the bob in the air to the volume of the metal bob. This gives you the density of the material of the bob.
What have you learned?
The ratio of the mass of a body to its volume is equal to the density of the material of which the body is made.
Take a body of larger size and, using an overflow can and a measuring cylinder, determine the volume of water displaced when the body is immersed fully in water. Hence, the density of the material of the body must be determined.
36. Does a body experience a buoyant force when it is immersed fully or partially in a liquid? What is the relation between this force and the weight of the liquid displaced by the body?
To check if the body experiences a buoyant force when it is immersed fully or partially in a liquid. Also, the relation between this force and the weight of the liquid displaced by the body.
What is required?
An overflow can, measuring cylinder, spring balance, thread, a piece of stone, a wooden block and an iron stand.
How will you proceed?
Place an overflow can on a wooden block and fill it with water.
Take the measuring cylinder and place it under the spout of the overflow can.
Suspend a piece of stone from the hook of the spring balance with the help of a thread.
Note the reading of the spring balance.
Lower the stone into the water in the overflow can such that about half of it gets immersed in water.
Collect water displaced by the stone in the measuring cylinder and note its volume.
Also, note the reading of the spring balance while the stone is partly immersed in water. It is the weight of the stone when it is partially immersed in the water. Is there any relation between the weight of the stone in air, the weight of water collected in the measuring cylinder and the weight of the stone when partially immersed in water (Take weight of 1 mL of water = 1g)?
Further lower the stone into water till it gets completely immersed in it. Again, note the volume of water collected in the measuring cylinder and the reading of the spring balance.
Do you find any relation between the loss in weight of the stone immersed in water and the weight of displaced water?
What have you learned?
When a body is immersed fully or partially in a liquid (or any fluid), it experiences a buoyant force that is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by it. This is known as Archimedes principle.
Immerse the stone in tap water and then in concentrated salty water to find the loss in weight in both cases. In which case is the buoyant force more?
37. How do we determine if potential energy possessed by an object depends upon its position or configuration?
To determine if potential energy possessed by an object depends upon its position or configuration
What is required?
One empty wooden spool, a thick rubber band of about 8 cm length, thread and a straight straw.
How will you proceed?
Take an empty wooden spool.
Cut the rubber band at some point and tie it with the wooden spool with the help of thread, as shown in [Fig. 9.11.1].
Hold the wooden spool in your left hand. Pass the straw through the axis of the spool. With the right hand, hold one end of the straw attached to the center of the rubber band. Then stretch and release the rubber band. What do you observe? Why does the straw move in the forward direction?
Try the activity a few times by pulling the rubber band to different extents. How is the distance to which the straw moves related to the extent of pulling the rubber band?
It will be a safer and better demonstration if you throw the straw upwards. The height to which it rises will also give an idea of the amount of energy it receives from the rubber band.
What have you learned?
The potential energy possessed by an object depends upon its position or configuration.
Repeat the above activity by taking a bow and arrow.
38. Are potential and kinetic energies interconvertible?
To check if the potential and kinetic energies are interconvertible
What is required?
Large size Yo-Yo
How will you proceed?
Wrap the thread on the axle of the Yo-Yo by rotating the wheel.
Hold the free end of the thread in your hand and release the wheel. What do you observe? You will find the wheel goes down and comes up repeatedly. Why does it happen?
At which position the potential energy stored in the wheel is maximum? At which position to the kinetic energy of the wheel maximum?
What happens when it is in between these two extreme positions? What do you infer from these observations?
What have you learned?
Potential and kinetic energies are interchangeable.
To check if the vibrations essential for producing sound
What is required?
Tuning fork, plastic ball (1-2 cm diameter), thread, stand, large needle (about 8-10 cm) and rubber pad.
How will you proceed?
Make a pair of diametrically opposite holes in the plastic ball.
Pass a thread through these holes using the needle and make a knot at one end so that the ball can be hung vertically. Suspend the ball from the stand.
Strike one of the prongs of the tuning fork with a rubber pad. Do you hear any sound?
Touch the ball gently with a prong of the vibrating tuning fork. What do you observe?
Now, touch one of the prongs of the vibrating tuning fork with your finger so that it stops vibrating. Do you hear any sound now?
Touch the ball gently with the prong of this tuning fork again.
What do you observe now? Why does the ball move away in the first case, and why not in the second case?
What do you infer from these observations?
What have you learned?
Vibrations are essential for producing sound.
40. How can you produce longitudinal waves in a slinky?
To produce longitudinal waves in a slinky
What is required?
Slinky of about 5 cm to 8 cm diameter
How will you proceed?
Hold one end of the slinky and ask your friend to hold the other end.
Stretch the slinky and give a sharp push towards your friend. While doing it, ask your friend not to disturb the other end. What do you observe? In which direction is the pulse you created in the slinky move?
Tie a small thread somewhere in the middle of the slinky. Observe the movement of the thread while you create a pulse in the slinky by giving it a sharp push. In which direction the pulse moves in the slinky? What do you infer from this observation?
Now, push and pull the slinky alternately at regular intervals of time. What do you observe? Do you observe longitudinal waves in the slinky?
Notice that at some point, the coils in the slinky become closer, and this configuration of coils coming closer moves along the slinky. At some other points, coils become further apart, and this configuration moves along the slinky. What names are given to these regions?
What have you learned?
The longitudinal waves can be produced in a slinky fashion by pushing and pulling them alternately. Thus, compression and rarefraction, alternately one after the other, travel along the slinky.
41. How can you determine the speed of a pulse propagated through a stretched slinky?
To determine the speed of a pulse propagated through a stretched slinky
What is required?
Metallic slinky of about 5 cm to 8 cm diameter, 10 m to 15 m long, tightly knitted cotton string about 7 mm to 8 mm diameter, stop-clock, and measuring tape.
How will you proceed?
Take the slinky and fix its one end to a window grill/hook/ handle of the door, or tell your friend to hold that end.
Hold the other end of the slinky and stretch it to about 4 m to 5 m. Give a small jerk forward or backward to create a pulse. Observe the pulse. Is it transverse or longitudinal, and why? Also, observe how it gets reflected from the fixed end of the slinky.
Adjust the tension in the slinky and amplitude of the pulse that you are producing by giving a jerk in such a way that you are able to feel 7-8 reflected pulses.
Ask your classmate to start the stop-clock the moment you give the jerk and speak ‘START.' He notes down the time taken by the pulse in making 7-8 to and fro movements.
Note down the length of the slinky and find out the speed of the pulse propagated through the slinky.
Note: You have to help your friend by announcing ‘STOP' after the pulse has made the desired number of to and fro movements. Very soon, the pulse may become too small to be seen by your friend, though you continue feeling it every time it reaches your hand.
Repeat the above activity by jerking the slinky up and down or sideways and determining the speed of the pulse.
What have you learned?
The speed of the pulse can be determined for a longitudinal pulse propagating through a slinky.
Repeat the above activity using a 10 m to 15 m long thick cotton string.
42. How can you study the reflection of sound?
To study the reflection of sound
What is required?
Two chart papers/newspapers of size about 50 cm × 70 cm enrolled into a cylinder of about 70 cm in length and about 5 cm diameter, stop-clock and two wooden boards with an arrangement to place them in an upright position
How will you proceed?
Place one wooden board vertically on the table.
Put the other board along the normal O N to the first board as shown in the [Fig.9.12.4].
Lay the two tubes inclined to the first board, as shown in the Figure.
Place a stop-clock at the end of the left-hand tube. Place your ear close to the mouth of the right-hand tube. Do you hear the ticking sound of the clock? If not, adjust the inclination of the right-hand tube till you hear the ticking sound of a stop-clock.
Now, make further adjustments to the right-hand tube till you hear the maximum sound. Observe the inclination of the two tubes relative to O N. Are they nearly equal? What do you infer from your observations? Repeat the above activity with different angles of inclinations.
The observer keeps one ear quiet into the far end of the second pipe and closes the other ear by finger so that direct sound reaching from the clock to the second ear of the observer is NOT heard.
What have you learned?
When sound is reflected from an obstacle, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
Class 9 NCERT Science Lab Manual Syllabus
Preparation of:
A true solution of common salt, sugar, and alum
A suspension of soil, chalk powder, and fine sand in water
A colloidal solution of starch in water and egg albumin or milk in water, and distinguish between these based on transparency filtration criterion stability.
Preparation of a mixture and a compound using iron filings and sulphur powder and distinguishing between these based on the following:
Appearance, i.e., homogeneity and heterogeneity
Behaviour towards a magnet
Behaviour towards carbon disulphide as a solvent
Effects of heat
Perform the following reactions and classify them as physical or chemical changes:
Iron with a copper sulphate solution in water
Burning of magnesium ribbon in air
Zinc with dilute sulphuric acid
Heating of copper sulphate crystals
Sodium sulphate and barium chloride in the form of their solutions in water
Preparation of stained temporary mounts of
Onion peel
Human cheek cells and to record observations and draw their labelled diagrams.
Identification of parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma tissues in plants, striped, smooth, and cardiac muscle fibres, and nerve cells in animals from prepared slides. Draw their labelled diagrams.
Determination of the melting point of ice and the boiling point of water.
Verification of the Laws of Reflection of Sound.
Determination of solid density (denser than water) by using a spring balance and a measuring cylinder.
Establishing the relationship between the loss in weight of a solid when fully immersed in
Tap water
Strongly salty water with the weight of water displaced by it by taking at least two different solids.
Determination of the speed of a pulse propagated through a stretched string or slinky (helical spring).
Verification of the law of conservation of mass in a chemical reaction.
Practical Exam Marks Breakdown
In both Class 9 and Class 10, practical exams play a major role. Understanding how these marks are allocated can help students better prepare.
Experiment Performance (5 marks): Students need to express their ability to conduct an experiment and understand the results.
Viva Voce (5 marks): An oral exam where students answer questions about the experiment or related concepts as asked by teachers.
Practical File (5 marks): Lab manual, which includes a record of all experiments performed during the year and checked during the exam.
Project Work (5 marks): A detailed project based on syllabus topics, involving research and presentation.
Important Features of the Class 9 NCERT Science Lab Manual
The lab manual is aligned with the CBSE curriculum, making sure students are learning exactly what they need for their exams.
Each experiment comes with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions that help students understand both the procedure and the science behind it.
The manual is designed to increase students' curiosity, encouraging them to explore science.
How do you get full marks in your practical exam?
Before doing any experiment, make sure you fully understand the underlying scientific concepts. This will help you experiment with confidence.
The more you practice, the better you’ll get. Try to perform each experiment by yourself to become familiar with the process and equipment.
Your practical file is important for your final exam. Keep it well organised with clear, detailed notes and diagrams, and make sure you get it checked by your teacher.
The viva can be tricky, so make sure you're ready to answer questions related to the experiments. Practice answering questions clearly and confidently.
During the practical exam, it’s important to manage your time well so you can complete the experiment, record your observations, and manage to do all tasks in a limited time.
Accuracy is very important in science, such as making slides. Placing the correct drops of the reagents is very important; low drops or more drops can lead to damage to the cells. Make sure your measurements are precise, and follow the procedures carefully to get reliable results.
Project Idea- Video 1
Project Idea- Video 2
Project Idea- Video 3
Project Idea- Video 4
Tips to Make a Project File for a Practical Exam
Pick a project topic that interests you and is relevant to the syllabus. It should be challenging enough to show your understanding but not too difficult to manage.
After choosing a topic, research it thoroughly using textbooks and reliable online sources. Make sure your project is based on solid, accurate information.
Create a detailed plan for your project and stick to it. Write each step as you go, which will be useful when writing your report.
The presentation of your project is just as important as the content written in it. Ensure your project file is organised with clear headings, diagrams, and any necessary models or charts.
You’ll need to answer questions about your project during the viva voce, so be prepared and go through your project once before the exam.
The Class 9 NCERT Science Lab Manual is an essential resource for students. By combining theory with practical experience, it helps students build a strong interest in science.
By understanding the structure, key experiments, and tips for excelling in practical exams, students can improve their performance. Taking project work seriously and completing it on time can also boost overall scores.